In order to achieve business success and maintain a good reputation for SYSMA CZ s.r.o., we emphasize the importance of adhering to ethical standards, particularly honesty, transparency, and fair conduct. Our document "Code of Ethics" describes the adherence to these standards. The Code of Ethics is binding for all employees and other collaborators (self-employed individuals, contractors, freelancers, and our subcontracted suppliers) working for SYSMA CZ s.r.o. Every employee and collaborator is familiar with the Code of Ethics, accepts its values, and abides by its principles. The Code of Ethics also governs business activities in relation to customers and third parties.
SYSMA CZ s.r.o. strictly adheres to the applicable laws in the country in which it operates. The company refrains from financing any political parties or engaging in political activities, and rejects any form of active or passive corruption.
Bribery or any other corrupt practices are not tolerated and are unacceptable under any circumstances. This applies to all business interactions with our customers, suppliers, or any third parties. We do not offer or accept any money, services, benefits, or anything else that could be considered a bribe. Hospitality or small gifts that do not obligate anyone and do not affect impartiality, and can be reciprocated equally, are seen as acts of courtesy and common business practice.
Our employees and collaborators are aware of the organization's goals and projects. Customers are not anonymous to any of us. Each person who knows to whom they are delivering their work is more responsible and has a personal interest in its successful outcome. We initiate our activities based on the best-understood and described customer requirements to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that our obligations are fulfilled properly and on time. The customer and we, as the supplier (or subcontractor), must have mutually balanced relationships that result in mutual satisfaction (Win-Win).
We treat each other with respect and dignity. We provide all the information that employees and collaborators should know or need for their work. We promote a leadership style of "leading by example" rather than defectiveness and sanctions. We motivate and communicate with each other regarding the needs of our customers, employees, and business partners. We strive to mutually create a good place to live, whether it is through the workspace and facilities or through a mutually open approach since people spend a significant portion of their lives at work.
Our relationships with suppliers are based on mutual respect and fairness. We work together towards the same goal to ensure customer satisfaction, company success, and supplier satisfaction. We carefully select our external suppliers to ensure they are compatible with our principles. If suppliers work under our company, they are expected to abide by our principles.
Honesty and fair business competition are always our top priorities. We never tarnish the reputation of our competitors, and we maintain respectful relationships with them. The company does not attempt to gain information about competitors' business through dishonest means, nor does it employ restrictive business practices. We respect the confidentiality of business or other confidential information.
In relation to the environment, we strive to adhere to the following principles:
If you believe that SYSMA CZ is violating the Code of Ethics, please write to us with your opinion at the email address [email protected].